It’s the Thanksgiving holiday coming up soon enough, and perhaps you’re starting to hear a lot about gratitude. I sometimes hear people link gratitude practice to toxic positivity, and **I wholeheartedly disagree! Can we talk about this for a minute?**
Gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life, without dismissing or ignoring the negative ones. It is about cultivating a mindset that recognizes and expresses appreciation for the blessings, big or small, that we encounter daily. Toxic positivity, on the other hand, denies the complexity of human emotions and forces us to suppress genuine feelings.
Did you know there are scientific studies on gratitude? At the University of California at Berkeley, they’ve been researching this for a while. One of their findings involves writing gratitude letters! I love this idea. They found this writing practice helps to shift rumination way from emotions such as resentment or envy that we can often get stuck on, especially if we spend too much time on social media. It also counteracts our natural negativity bias, where we tend to put more mental emphasis on negative events, and downplay the good.
When you write about how grateful you are to others and how much other people have impacted your life positively, it might become considerably harder for you to ruminate on negative aspects, leading to a more balanced mindset.
How to write a gratitude letter:
I hope this helps you develop a balanced mindset, and find things to feel good about daily, and not take those things for granted.
I’m truly grateful that you’re here in my online community! 🙏
Lots of love,
You might know me from Studio Morpho Bleu here in Montréal, Canada. Lately, I've been craving much more than just an asana practice (your typical yoga class of making shapes with your body). To fuel my soul, I’ve developed unique sequences of meditation and pranayama inspired by Katonah and Kundalini yoga that have left me feeling refreshed and re-inspired. I want you to feel the same way!